
How do animals learn to generate and control movement?

We study the mechanisms of circuit assembly, function, and plasticity that lead to motor learning and recovery after neurotrauma

spinal cord

Motor control by sensory feedback

Currently, the lab focuses on how different types of sensory feedback circuits control repetitive and complex motor behavior, with a primary focus on proprioceptive and visual feedback. In particular, we study 1) mechanisms of circuit function and plasticity that lead to motor learning and 2) how different types of sensory feedback circuits control repetitive and complex motor behavior, with a primary focus on somatosensory and visual feedback.

Our aims are to understand how sensory feedback are processed through neurocircuits at the level of the cortex, midbrain, brainstem or spinal cord to facilitate motor learning in health and after traumatic injury to compensate for and contribute to motor recovery.

A multidisciplinary approach

We use a wide variety of methods, including detailed motor kinematic assessments, mouse genetics, viral tracing and manipulation, electrophysiological and imaging techniques.

This combinatorial approach allows us to manipulate functions of specific neuronal populations, which in turn helps us to understand their roles in sensory information processing necessary for motor output and plasticity.

Key publications

spinal cord Hannah Bertels

Neurotransmitter phenotype switching by spinal excitatory interneurons regulates locomotor recovery after spinal cord injury


Hannah Bertels, Guillem Vicente-Ortiz, Khadija El Kanbi & Aya Takeoka

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Electrophysiological signatures reveal spinal learning mechanisms for a lasting sensorimotor adaptation


Simon Lavaud, Mattia D’Andola, Charlotte Bichara and Aya Takeoka

Spinal cord

Proprioception: Bottom-up directive for motor recovery after spinal cord injury


Aya Takeoka

spinal cord

Functional local proprioceptive feedback circuits initiate and maintain locomotor recovery after spinal cord injury


Aya Takeoka, Silvia Arber

Spinal cord

Long-distance descending spinal neurons ensure quadrupedal locomotor stability


Ludwig Ruder, Aya Takeoka, Silvia Arber

spinal cord

Multisensory signaling shapes vestibulo-motor circuit specificity


Emanuela Basaldella, Aya Takeoka, Sigrist Markus, Silvia Arber

Spinal cord

Muscle spindle feedback directs locomotor recovery and circuit reorganization after spinal cord injury


Aya Takeoka, Isabel Vollenweider, Grégoire Courtine, Silvia Arber